"The Challenge," a 15-minute radio script produced by the Public Information Department of the National Board of the Y.W.C.A. for use in the Centennial program.
John Hay Whitney Foundation pamphlet discussing the foundation's purpose, description of the foundation operations, and current programs of the foundation.
Correspondence from Mabel T. Everett, Office Executive and Business Manager for the Conventions and Conferences Division for the National Board of the Y.W.C.A., to Ada C. Baytop regarding the a financial dispute.
Correspondence from Ada C. Baytop, Chairman and Secretary for the Coming Street Y.W.C.A., to "Mrs. Saunders" regarding Beatrice Simmons, Marguerite Simmons, and Rosina Middleton visiting New York City.
Correspondence from Robert E. Speer, President of the National Board of the Y.W.C.A., to the Chairman and Branch Secretary regarding the 1930 Convention.
Correspondence from R. J. Weller, Educational Director for the Singer Sewing Machine Company, to Secretary for Work with Girl Reserves regarding an advertisement in the WOMANS PRESS.
Correspondence from Mary C. Ferris, National Services Division to the National Board of the Y.W.C.A., to Ella L. Smyrl of the Coming Street Y.W.C.A. regarding Anna Belle McInnes.
Correspondence from Ella L. Smyrl of the Coming Street Y.W.C.A. to Lillian O. Shorter regarding a former Coming Street Y.W.C.A. secretary named Shay Cooper.
Correspondence from Naomi S. Hanks, Department of Data and Trends for the National Board of the Y.W.C.A., to the General Secretary regarding the Y.W.C.A. annual report. Enclosed annual report for 1942.
National Board of the Y.W.C.A. memorandum correspondence from Brooks Creedy, National Industrial Staff, and Helen Sheley, National Business and Professional Staff, regarding an enclosed letter "from Elsa Graves to Industrial and Professional groups which tells of the latest developments in the World Federation of Democratic Youth." Enclosed Southern Area Business and Professional Summer Conference program, Summary and Discussion of Interpreting the Y.W.C.A. Purpose to Y-Teens.
National Board of the Y.W.C.A. memorandum from Brooks Creedy, National Industrial Staff, and Helen Sheley, National Business and Professional Staff, regarding an enclosed letter "from Elsa Graves to Industrial and Professional groups which tells of the latest developments in the World Federation of Democratic Youth."
National Board of the Y.W.C.A. memorandum from Virginia L. Heim, Business and Professional Secretary, to Business and Professional Program Directors, regarding Y.W.C.A. matters.
National Council of the Business and Professional Women's Assembly memorandum from Mary K. Freibott, President of the National Business and Professional Council, to All Business and Professional Girls.
National Board of the Y.W.C.A. memorandum from Kathaleen Carpenter, Teen-Age Program Staff, to Amanda L. Keith regarding an orientation period for club advisors.
National Board of the Y.W.C.A. memorandum from Mrs. Alfred E. Mudge, Chairman of the Subcommittee for Teen-Age Program, and Leta H. Galpin, National Teen-Age Program Staff, to Chairman of Committee for Teen-Age Program and Teen-Age Director.
Correspondence from Mary Jane Willett, Correlator for the National Board of the Y.W.C.A., to Melicent Marie Olphin welcoming the recipient to the Y.W.C.A. community.
Correspondence from Florence C. Harris, Field Staff, Southern Region of the Community Division, to Y.W.C.A. Staff Members regarding a Staff Meeting on Supervision.
World's Y.W.C.A. Membership Celebration Committee document providing information on World's Y.W.C.A. Membership Day to be held on April 26, 1950. Enclosed "Workers Creed."
National Board of the Y.W.C.A. memorandum from Florence C. Harris and Kathaleen Carpenter, Field Staff for the Southern Region Community Division to Teen-Age Program Directors.
National Board of the Y.W.C.A. memorandum from Genevieve Lowry, Executive Committee Division, to Executive Director, Branch Executives and Program Directors.
"Suggested Advance Story for World's Y.W.C.A. Membership" from the Public Information Department, to be held during National Y.W.C.A. Week, April 23 through 29, 1950.
Correspondence from Pualine T. Ellis of the National Board of the Y.W.C.A. to "Mrs. Allington" of the Southern Region of the Y.W.C.A. regarding a recent Bulletin.