Memorandum from Keith Daugherty, General Director to Executive Directors and Presidents of Accredited and Provisional Member Agencies of Family Service Association of America regarding new staff appointment.
Memorandum from H. Barksdale Brown, President and W. Keith Daugherty, General Director to Executive Directors and Board Presidents of Accredited and Provisional Member Agencies, June 22, 1977
Memorandum from H. Barksdale Brown, President to Board Presidents and Executives of Member and Provisional FSAA Agencies, and National Board Members regarding election of delegates to the National Board.
Pamphlet detailing the need for more federal money being put toward benefitting children including topics such as child advocacy, child development and day care, child health, and child welfare.
Correspondence from Bernice Robinson to Leslie Dunbar, Executive Vice President of the Field Foundation, regarding the "Civil Rights Oral History Project."
Correspondence from Bernice Robinson to Wesley Hotchkiss of United Church Board of Homeland Ministries regarding the Civil Rights Oral History project.
Correspondence from Norman E. Dewire, Executive Director for the Joint Strategy and Action Committee, to Bernice Robinson regarding Yonges Island Day Care.
Correspondence from Bernice V. Robinson to Leslie Dunbar, Executive Vice President of the Marshal Field Foundation, regarding funding for the Yonges Day Care Center.
Correspondence from Bernice V. Robinson to Norman E. DeWire, Joint Strategy and Action Committee, regarding funding for the Yonges Island Community Day Care Center.
Correspondence from Bernice Robinson to Norman E. Dewire, Executive Director for the Joint Strategy and Action Committee, regarding funding for Yonges Island Day Care.
Correspondence from James E. Clyburn to Norman DeWire, Executive Director for the Joint Strategy and Action Committee, regarding funding for the Yonges Day Care Center.
Correspondence from Karney Platt, Business Manager of the Yonges Island Community Day Care Center, to Margaret Lamont regarding funding for the Yonges Day Care Center.
Document entitled, "Field Report for November - December - January, 1968-1969" written by Bernice Robinson regarding her experience traveling to different locations around the United States and topics including education and the Vietnam War.
Correspondence from Maxwell Hahn, Executive Vice President of The Field Foundation, to Dr. Wesley A. Hotchkiss regarding a Field Foundation check payable to the order of the United Church Board for Homeland Ministries.
Contract and Agreement between Septima P. Clark and LeGette Blythe regarding the publication of "The Story of Mrs. Septima Clark" through publisher E.P. Dutton and Co., In.