Photocopied graphite sketch (8 1/2 x 11) of entrance gate at Charleston International Airport, signed by Simmons with "My Copy" inscribed, 9 November 2004
Four (4) photocopied architectural layout drawings of gate design, with decorative wrought iron structural details and surrounding landscape, signed by Simmons, (11 x 16 3/4).
Original graphite sketching (8 1/2" x 11") of "Front Porch Door with Dead Lock," featuring heart shapes with scrolls in center and leaf points at the top
8.25" x 5.5" drawing. On front page is a drawing for a gate for the Philip Simmons Garden at St. John's Reformed Episcopal Church. On back page is a 3/4 scale drawing of a gate, 43.5' by 55.5', designed with an inverted heart, flanked by brick columns.