Correspondence from J. Arthur Brown to William B. Whitney, Director of the CETA Division, regarding the Petersfield Human Services Corporation Proposal for the Fiscal Year of 1982- to 1983 with enclosed proposal.
Correspondence from Jeffrey Rosenblum to J. Arthur Brown regarding the Community Services building for the Peter's Field Community with enclosed invoice.
Correspondence from Russell Brown, Secretary of the Charleston Branch for the NAACP, to the Director of the Charleston Combined Federal Campaign regarding an Application for Participation. Enclosed Application for Participation.
The C. D. Newsletter, A City of Charleston Community Development Publication, Summer Issue - 1982, discussing community development issues including rental housing, summer youth employment, and Joe McFarland.
The C. D. Newsletter, A City of Charleston Community Development Publication, Spring 1982 Issue, discussing community development issues including the "East Side Revitalization Program."
Charleston Museum exhibit publication entitled, "South Carolina Voices of the Civil Rights Movement: A Conference on the History of the Civil Rights Movement in South Carolina, 1940-1970," on the occasion of the opening of an exhibit entitled, "We'll Never Turn Back," a Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibit.
An Agreement between Charleston Lumber Co., Inc. and the Retail, Wholesale Department Store Union, Local 15-A AFL-C10-CIC, of Charleston, South Carolina.
Handwritten 1982-83 Roster of Officials of the Charleston, South Carolina Branch of the NAACP providing names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all Charleston Branch officials and committee members.
Y.W.C.A. of the Sumter Area memorandum to Mary A. Dow regarding the recipient being "considered as a prospective new member of the Y.W.C.A./Sumter Area Board of Directors, Nominating Committee, and/or Advisory Panel." Enclosed Nominating Committee materials.
Interview with Mary Moultrie by Jean-Claude Bouffard, July 28, 1982, AMN 500.009.005, in the Jean-Claude Bouffard Civil Rights Interviews, of the Avery Research Center at the College of Charleston
Correspondence from Ronald A. McWhirt, Superintendent for the Charleston County School District, to Septima P. Clark expressing dissapointment over her announcement to resign from the Charleston County Consolidated School Board.
Lecture-Discussion program entitled, "Portrait of a Leader: Recollections of Esau Jenkins," by Septima P. Clark, as part of the Avery Institute of Afro-American History and Culture's Contemporary Issues Awareness Series in observance of Black History Month.
Correspondence from John Graham Altman of the Charleston County School District to Septima P. Clark regarding Clark's resignation from the Charleston County Consolidated School Board.
NAACP Special Contribution Fund memorandum from Rev. Julius C. Hope, Director of the NAACP Department of Religious Affairs, to Delbert Woods, President of the NAACP Local Branch, regarding financial support for the NAACP from the church.
Edisto Branch of the NAACP memorandum from Rev. Elijah Green, Legal Redress Committee Chairman, to All Concerned Citizens regarding a mass meeting and solicitation of money to help finance the Ross Green case.
Correspondence from William Saunders, Executive Director for COBRA, to Charles F. McMillan, Atlanta Regional Director for the Minority Business Development Agency, regarding COBRA matters.