The Avery Institute of Afro-American History and Culture's publication entitled, "The Bulletin," Volume 2, Number 1 for Spring 1982 containing an article about the Avery's acquisition of the Esau Jenkins papers and an exhibit of of its contents.
Correspondence from Joffre T. Whisenton, Associate Executive Director for the Commission on Colleges at the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, to George B. Thomas, President of Voorhees College, regarding a report prepared by the Reaffirmation Committee.
Correspondence from Dolores S. Greene, Project Director for Petersfield Human Services Corporation, Inc., to William Saunders, Vice President and General Manager for WPAL Radio, regarding professional matters.
Y.W.C.A. of the Sumter Area memorandum to Mary A. Dow regarding the recipient being "considered as a prospective new member of the Y.W.C.A./Sumter Area Board of Directors, Nominating Committee, and/or Advisory Panel." Enclosed Nominating Committee materials.
Y.W.C.A. of the Sumter Area memorandum to Mary A. Dow regarding the recipient being "considered as a prospective new member of the Y.W.C.A./Sumter Area Board of Directors, Nominating Committee, and/or Advisory Panel."
Correspondence from William Saunders, Vice-President and General Manage for WPAL Radio, Inc., to Dolores S. Greene, Director for the Petersfield Human Services Corporation, regarding the Job Search Program.
Correspondence from Vernon Williams, President of the South Carolina State College NAACP Collegiate Chapter, to Delbert Woods regarding an invitation to "A Tribute to Roy Wilkins."
Letter from Russell Brown to the Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competence, regarding an appendix and check "representing this writer's compliance with the Commission's requirements on continuing lawyer competence." Enclosed supporting material.
Correspondence from George B. Thomas, President of Voorhees Colllege, to all members of the Voorhees College Board of Trustees regarding materials for the fall meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Correspondence from Alan P. Weimer, Grants Management Officer for the Office of Fiscal Operation, to George B. Thomas, President of Voorhees College, regarding statistics of the Head Start audits.
North Charleston Branch of the NAACP memorandum from Nelson B. Rivers III, President, to interested citizens regarding a Public Hearing on the South Carolina Conference of Branches of NAACP.
NAACP memorandum from Russell Brown, Secretary of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, to Sheila M. Anderson, Chairman of the Freedom Fund Banquet, regarding the North Charleston Branch Annual Freedom Fund Banquet.
Correspondence from Mark J. Corey to Alan P. Weiner, Grants Management Officer for the Office of Fiscal Operations for the Department of Health and Human Services regarding financial matters.
Correspondence from Charles E. Montgomery of the New York Life Insurance Company to William Saunders of WPAL Radio regarding the Charleston Sertoma Club meeting to be held on September 3, 1982.
Correspondence from Cleveland Sellers to Jesse E. Marshall regarding information supporting Sellers' candidacy for the Dean of Students for Management and Human Relations position.
NAACP Special Contribution Fund memorandum from Rev. Julius C. Hope, Director of the NAACP Department of Religious Affairs, to Delbert Woods, President of the NAACP Local Branch, regarding financial support for the NAACP from the church.
Correspondence from Joan Hanlon, Supervisor for the Majik Market, to Delores S. Greene, Director of the Petersfield Human Services Corporation, regarding the Job Search Program.
Correspondence from J. Arthur Brown to Wallace Brown, Division of Rural Development, regarding Delores S. Greene and Peter's Field Human Service Community.
Correspondence from William Saunders, Executive Director for COBRA, to Charles F. McMillan, Atlanta Regional Director for the Minority Business Development Agency, regarding COBRA matters.
Correspondence from Mark J. Corey, Certified Public Accountant, to Allan Weimer, Grants Management Officer for the Office of Fiscal Operations Department of Health and Human Services, regarding the status of an "investigation of unemployment taxes charged to the Headstart program in program."
Correspondence from Wallace Brown, Director at the State of South Carolina Office of the Governer, to J. Arthur Brown regarding Peter's Field Human Services Corporation.
Correspondence from Bill Gibson, State President of the NAACP, to Delbert Woods regarding announcements about a public hearing on South Carolina State Senate Reapportionment.
Correspondence from Vernon B. Strickland, President of the Charleston Trident Chamber of Commerce, to William Saunders of WPAL Radio regarding professional matters.
Correspondence from Jeffrey Rosenblum to J. Arthur Brown regarding the Community Services building for the Peter's Field Community with enclosed invoice.
Correspondence from Russell Brown, Secretary of the Charleston Branch for the NAACP, to the Director of the Charleston Combined Federal Campaign regarding an Application for Participation. Enclosed Application for Participation.
The C. D. Newsletter, A City of Charleston Community Development Publication, Summer Issue - 1982, discussing community development issues including rental housing, summer youth employment, and Joe McFarland.
Handwritten 1982-83 Roster of Officials of the Charleston, South Carolina Branch of the NAACP providing names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all Charleston Branch officials and committee members.
Correspondence from Ronald A. McWhirt, Superintendent for the Charleston County School District, to Septima P. Clark expressing dissapointment over her announcement to resign from the Charleston County Consolidated School Board.
Correspondence from John Graham Altman of the Charleston County School District to Septima P. Clark regarding Clark's resignation from the Charleston County Consolidated School Board.
Edisto Branch of the NAACP memorandum from Rev. Elijah Green, Legal Redress Committee Chairman, to All Concerned Citizens regarding a mass meeting and solicitation of money to help finance the Ross Green case.
Correspondence from Sylvia E. Branch, Special Assistant to Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, to William Saunders of Radio Station WPAL regarding professional matters.
North Charleston Branch of the NAACP memorandum from Walter Jenkins, Chairman of the Political Action Task Force, and Richard Ganaway, Vice Chairman of the Political Action Task Force, to citizens regarding the Political Action Task Force's solicitation of funds to enable it to "Get Out The Vote."
Charleston Branch of the NAACP document entitled, "Change Number One (1) to the 1982-83 Roster of Officials of the Charleston, South Carolina Branch, NAACP," providing information on Thelma R. Woods and Anthony B. O'Neill.
South Carolina Conference of Branches of the NAACP memorandum from Dr. W. F. Gibson, State Conference President, to all units regarding the monthly Board of Directors' Meeting on November 13, 1982.
South Carolina Conference of Branches of the NAACP memorandum from Dr. W. F. Gibson, State Conference President, to all units regarding the monthly Board of Directors' Meeting on December 11, 1982.
Correspondence from Mary B. Green, Special Events Coordinator for the City of Charleston Department of Leisure Services, to William Saunders regarding "WPAL's participation in the Dance-A-Thon for the American Hearth Association."
Correspondence from Carolyn V. Glenn, Coordinator of the Fund Development for Operation Push, Inc., to William Saunders of Radio Station WPAL regarding professional matters.
Correspondence from Federal Executive Association of the Greater Charleston Area personnel, Robert J. Barnard, Chairman of the Eligibility Committee, and Chester G. Oehme, Jr., Colonel, USAF, Chairman, to Delbert J. Woods, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, regarding the consideration of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP by the Eligibility Committee.
Correspondence from Bernard R. Fielding, Associate Judge of Probate Court, Therapeutic Determination Division of the County of Charleston, to Benjamin Hooks, Executive Secretary of the NAACP National Office, regarding the South Carolina Morticians Association Annual Banquet.
Correspondence from Russell Brown, Secretary of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, to members regarding a general membership meeting including an election to be held at Morris Brown A.M.E. Church on October 14, 1982.
Correspondence from Jerry C. Foster, Regional Counsel of the U.S. Department of Commerce for the Economic Development Administration, to J. Arthur Brown regarding the "Petersfield Human Services Corporation, Inc. EDA Project No. 04-01-03086.40."
Correspondence from J. Arthur Brown to all members of the Voorhees College Board of Trustees regarding the report of actions taken by the Business Committee to the Board of Trustees.
Correspondence from Isaac W. Williams, S.C. Field Director for the South Carolina Conference of Branches of the NAACP, to Delbert Woods, regarding a "year-end statewide thrust for memberships."
Correspondence from Russell Brown, Secretary of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, and Delbert L. Woods, President, to members regarding a general membership meeting including an election to be held at Morris Brown A.M.E. Church on November 15, 1982.
Correspondence from Wallace Brown, Director of the State of South Carolina Office of the Governor, to J. Arthur Brown regarding Peters Field Human Services.
Charleston Branch of the NAACP memorandum from Delbert L. Woods, President of the Charleston Branch, Nelson Rivers, President North Charleston Branch, Rev. John Alston, President of the Edisto Island Branch, and Arthur Pinckney, President of the East Cooper Branch to Rosalie Heyward, President of the S. C. Morticians Association (S.C.M.A.) regarding a join banquet hosted by the Charleston County S.C.M.A. and the NAACP.
Correspondence from John A. McPherson, Jr., State Engineer for the State of South Carolina, to Fern Howell, Rural and Special Economic Assistance Division of the Governor's Office, regarding the Peters Field Community Service Building.
Correspondence from Norman J. LaVriha, District Director for the Internal Revenue Service, to Charleston Branch of the NAACP, regarding a questionnaire.
Correspondence from Dolores S. Greene, Project Director for the Petersfield Human Services Corporation, to Blanchard Malan, U.S. Department of Commerce, regarding budgetary information with enclosed budget.
Correspondence from Wallace Brown, Director for the State of South Carolina Office of the Governor, to Dolores S. Greene, Project Director for the Peters Field Human Services Corporation, Inc., regarding Peters Field Human Services Corporation expenses.
Correspondence from Wallace Brown, Director for the Division of Rural Development and Special Economic Assistance, to J. Arthur Brown regarding "contract payment to the Peters Field Human Services Corporation, Inc. in the amount of $14, 504.00."
Correspondence from John A. McPherson, Jr., State Engineer for the State of South Carolina, to J. Arthur Brown regarding the ground breaking for the Peter's Field Human Service Corporation's Community Center.
Correspondence from Ophie A. Franklin, President of the Sea Island Comprehensive Health Care Corporation, to J. Arthur Brown regarding the ground breaking ceremony for the Peter's Field Human Services Center.
South Carolina Conference of Branches of the NAACP memorandum from Dr. W. F. Gibson, State Conference President, to all units regarding hotel reservations, car raffle tickets, and copy of program for the 43rd Annual Convention. Enclosed Annual Convention Schedule.
Handwritten minutes to an Executive Committee Meeting of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP regarding reports, membership committee items, and correspondence published, held on October 7, 1982 at Morris Brown A.M.E. Church.
Correspondence from Michael Lynart Whack to Delores Greene, Director of the Peter's Field Human Services Corporation, regarding "interest in the Program Development Specialist position."
Correspondence from Lillie Smalls, Representative for Petersfield, to Wallace Brown, Director for the Division of Rural Development, regarding a Petersfield meeting.
Correspondence from Cleveland Sellers to Desiree White of North Carolina Human Relations Council regarding a request for information about the North Carolina Fellows Program.
Correspondence from Wallace Brown, Director of the State of South Carolina Office of the Governor, to J. Arthur Brown regarding "a letter from New York University regarding Gladys Marie Hazel."
Correspondence from F. Marion Brabham, President of the Meeting Street Piggly Wiggly, to Dolores S. Greene, Director of the Petersfield Human Services Corporation, regarding the Job Search Program.
Correspondence from Charles H. Cole, Chief of Public Works Division of the U.S. Department of Commerce for the Economic Development Administration, to J. Arthur Brown regarding Peter's Field Human Services Corporation with invoice for architectural services.
Correspondence from Suzanne M. Lynn to the F.O.I.A. Section of the Federal Bureau of Investigation requesting a copy of any information generated by the FBI about herself.
Correspondence from Wallace Brown, Director of the State of South Carolina Office of the Governor, to William B. Whitney, Director of the the Office of the Governor, CETA Division, regarding the Peters Field Human Services Corporation, Inc. proposed contract for the Fiscal Year of 1982 to 1982.
Charleston Branch of the NAACP report of the nominating committee regarding nominations for officers and members of the Executive Board of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP.
Edisto Branch of the NAACP memorandum to all NAACP branches regarding a letter of agreement in support of Ross Green, a man arrested for allegedly killing a police officer and seriously injuring another. Enclosed letter of agreement.
Correspondence from E. Fern Howell, Community Consultant, to Jeffrey Rosenblum, Rosenblum and Associates Architects, Inc., regarding drawings and specifications for the Peters Field Human Services Corporation, Inc. Community Center.
Correspondence from J. Arthur Brown to all members of the Voorhees College Board of Trustees regarding the report of the Business Committee to the Board of Trustees.
North Charleston Branch of the NAACP memorandum from Shelia L. Anderson, Chairperson for the Freedom Fund Banquet, to Delbert Woods regarding the first annual Freedom Fund Banquet.
Correspondence from Jeffrey Rosenblum, Vice-President of Rosenblum and Associates Architects, Inc., to J. Arthur Brown regarding the Peter's Field Community Service Building.
Correspondence from Bernard E. Stalmann, LTC, Department of the Army, Charleston District Corps of Engineers, District Engineer, to Delbert Woods, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, regarding "the Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District to offer fair and equal employment opportunity for everyone regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin and physical or mental handicap."
Correspondence from Russell Brown, Secretary of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, and Delbert L. Woods, President, to members regarding a general membership meeting including an election to be held at Morris Brown A.M.E. Church on December 14, 1982.
Correspondence from J. R. Martin, Personal Manage for Brown and Root, Inc., to Delbert L. Woods, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, regarding the policy for Brown & Root, Inc. "to afford equal employment opportunities to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap or age."
Correspondence from William B. Whitney, Director for the State of South Carolina Office of the Governor, to J. Arthur Brown regarding Petersfield Human Services.