The Avery Institute of Afro-American History and Culture's publication entitled, "The Bulletin," Volume 2, Number 1 for Spring 1982 containing an article about the Avery's acquisition of the Esau Jenkins papers and an exhibit of of its contents.
Correspondence from Joffre T. Whisenton, Associate Executive Director for the Commission on Colleges at the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, to George B. Thomas, President of Voorhees College, regarding a report prepared by the Reaffirmation Committee.
Correspondence from Dolores S. Greene, Project Director for Petersfield Human Services Corporation, Inc., to William Saunders, Vice President and General Manager for WPAL Radio, regarding professional matters.
Y.W.C.A. of the Sumter Area memorandum to Mary A. Dow regarding the recipient being "considered as a prospective new member of the Y.W.C.A./Sumter Area Board of Directors, Nominating Committee, and/or Advisory Panel." Enclosed Nominating Committee materials.
Y.W.C.A. of the Sumter Area memorandum to Mary A. Dow regarding the recipient being "considered as a prospective new member of the Y.W.C.A./Sumter Area Board of Directors, Nominating Committee, and/or Advisory Panel."
Correspondence from William Saunders, Vice-President and General Manage for WPAL Radio, Inc., to Dolores S. Greene, Director for the Petersfield Human Services Corporation, regarding the Job Search Program.
Correspondence from Vernon Williams, President of the South Carolina State College NAACP Collegiate Chapter, to Delbert Woods regarding an invitation to "A Tribute to Roy Wilkins."