WPAL continuity sheet for September 8, 1977 containing information on Mayor Joseph P. Riley and "the incidents that took place at the Sertoma Football Classic." Enclosed Preliminary Report and typescript speech on the Violence at the Sertoma Classic of Friday, August 26, 1977.
Hampton Institute publication entitled, "The Hampton Bulletin" Winter 1977, wherein various news items regarding Hampton Institute and National Hampton Alumni Association issues are discussed. Addressed to Septima P. Clark.
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare memorandum from Tony Imler to Regional Contacts on Welfare Reform regarding an Issues Paper expected to be published in the Federal Register. Enclosed Statement of Issues for Public Hearing.
Materials regarding "Operation Step-up," drafted by George A. Mines, Jr. of George A. Mines, Jr. Construction Company, providing an introduction and proposal regarding the program.
Letter from J. Stanley Alexander, Research Director for the Voter Education Project to Septima P. Clark regarding the development of a Citzenship Education Workshop. Enclosed is a photocopy of release statement to Congress from the Office of the White House Press Secretary regarding President Carter's recommendations dealing with election reform and other supporting documentation.
Correspondence from Bill Hallman, Classic Chairman to Sertoma Club of Charleston, to Septima P. Clark regarding "assistance to the community by aiding the Charleston Sertoma Club."
Sunburst Elementary Color Sound Filmstrips brochure, providing information on six different filmstrip programs "designed to help young people cope constructively with difficult emotions."