Hand-colored wood engraving of a married Jewish woman from Algeria. Wood engraving by Léopold Deghouy after Théodore Frère. From L'Afrique française by Christian Pitois, published Paris: A. Barbier.
Black-and-white engraving of the exterior of the Semper-Synagoge (Semper Synagogue), also known as the Dresdner Synagoge (Dresden Synagogue) or Alte Synagoge (Old Synagogue). Engraving by P. Röhrich. From Erinnerungen an merkwürdige Gegenstände und Begebenheiten, Volume 23. Published Prague: C.W. Medau und Comp.
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Engraving after Théophile Emmanuel Duverger. From Usi e costumi sociali, politici e religiosi di tutti i popoli del mondo by Nicolas Dally, published Torino: Stabilimento tipografico Fontana.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of the interior of the 1822 building of the Synagogue de Nazareth, located on the Rue Notre-Dame-de-Nazareth, in Paris. Reproduction of a lithograph by Jules-Robert-Pierre-Joseph Challamel after an original drawing by the Marquis de Villeneuve. Published in the December 5, 1846, edition of L'Illustration.
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