Color print reproduction of an illustration by Jaroslav Šetelík the gravestone of Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel in the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague. From Praha by Jaroslav Šetelík, published Prague: Legiografie.
Color print reproduction of a watercolor by Jaroslav Šetelík of gravestones in the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague. From Praha by Jaroslav Šetelík, published Prague: Legiografie.
Color print reproduction of an illustration by Jaroslav Šetelík of the interior of the Old New Synagogue in Prague. From Praha by Jaroslav Šetelík, published Prague: Legiografie.
Color print of gravestones in the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague. Illustration by Adolf Kašpar. From Das Prager Ghetto by Ignát Herrmann, Joseph Teige, and Zikmund Winter, published Prague: Verlagsbuchhandlung der Böhm. Graphischen Gesellschaft "Unie".