Black-and-white lithograph of Crimean Karaites in Feodosia (Caffa). Lithograph by Denis Auguste Marie Raffet, printed by Auguste Bry. From Voyage dans la Russie Méridionale & la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie : exécutée en 1837 by Anatoly Nikolaievich Demidov, published Paris: Gihaut Frères.
Black-and-white engraving depicting the creation of man, as described in Genesis 1:26-27. Engraving by Jacob Andreas Fridrich. From Kupfer-Bibel, in welcher die Physica Sacra, oder geheiligte Natur-Wissenschafft derer in Heil. Schrifft vorkommenden Natürlichen Sachen by Johann Jakob Scheuchzer published Augsburg and Ulm: Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735.
Black-and-white engraving depicting Aaron at the altar of incense, as described in Exodus 30:1-2. Engraving by Georg Daniel Heumann. From Kupfer-Bibel, in welcher die Physica Sacra, oder geheiligte Natur-Wissenschafft derer in Heil. Schrifft vorkommenden Natürlichen Sachen by Johann Jakob Scheuchzer published Augsburg and Ulm: Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735.
Black-and-white engraving depicting Aaron at the altar of incense, as described in Exodus 30:1-2. Engraving by Georg Daniel Heumann. From Kupfer-Bibel, in welcher die Physica Sacra, oder geheiligte Natur-Wissenschafft derer in Heil. Schrifft vorkommenden Natürlichen Sachen by Johann Jakob Scheuchzer published Augsburg and Ulm: Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735.
Black-and-white engraved portrait of Sarah Lyon (1703-1807) of Ipswich, who lived to the age of 105. Engraving by Robert Roe after a painting by Walter Stephens Lethbridge.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of the interior of the former location of Temple Emanu-El at 5th Avenue and 43rd Street in New York, on the occasion of its dedication. Published in the October 8, 1868, edition of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper.
Black-and-white engraving depicting consuming the Passover lamb, as described in Exodus 12:11. Engraving by Martin Tyroff. From Kupfer-Bibel, in welcher die Physica Sacra, oder geheiligte Natur-Wissenschafft derer in Heil. Schrifft vorkommenden Natürlichen Sachen by Johann Jakob Scheuchzer published Augsburg and Ulm: Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735.
Black-and-white engraving depicting consuming the Passover lamb, as described in Exodus 12:11. Engraving by Martin Tyroff. From Kupfer-Bibel, in welcher die Physica Sacra, oder geheiligte Natur-Wissenschafft derer in Heil. Schrifft vorkommenden Natürlichen Sachen by Johann Jakob Scheuchzer published Augsburg and Ulm: Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of the interior of the Nineteenth Street Synagogue, former location of Congregation Shearith Israel at the corner of 19th Street and 5th Avenue in New York, on the occasion of its consecration. Published in the September 29, 1860, edition of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of the interior of the Nineteenth Street Synagogue, former location of Congregation Shearith Israel at the corner of 19th Street and 5th Avenue in New York, on the occasion of its consecration. Published in the September 29, 1860, edition of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper.
Black-and-white woodcut map of the twelve tribes of Israel. From Psalm 80: 9-12 : "Thou didst pluck up a vine out of Egypt; Thou didst drive out the nations, and didst plant it. Thou didst clear a place before it, and it took deep root, and filled the land. The mountains were covered with the shadow of it, and the mighty cedars with the boughs thereof. She sent out her branches unto the sea and her shoots unto the River." Frontispiece to Onomasticum Veteris Testamenti, sive, Tractatus philologicus quo nomina V.T. propria ad appellativorum analogiam reducta ex originibus et formis suis explicantur, cum aliarum gentium nominibus conferuntur, impositionis ratio, quantum fieri potuit, ubique ostenditur, atque adeo linguae originali noua lux affunditur by Johann Simonis, published Halae Magdeburgicae : Impensis Orphanotrophei.
Black-and-white engraving depicting Aaron and his sons sacrificing a ram, as described in Exodus 29:13-22. Engraving by Georg Daniel Heumann. From Kupfer-Bibel, in welcher die Physica Sacra, oder geheiligte Natur-Wissenschafft derer in Heil. Schrifft vorkommenden Natürlichen Sachen by Johann Jakob Scheuchzer published Augsburg and Ulm: Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735.
Black-and-white lithograph of interior of the Synagogue of El Transito in Toledo. Drawn by T. J. Rawlins and printed by C. Moody, Litho, 257, Holborn. From The history of the Jews of Spain and Portugal, from the earliest times to their final expulsion from those kingdoms, and their subsequent dispersion by Elias H. Lindo.
Black-and-white engraving depicting, above, Simon of Trent, whose disappearance and murder led to charges of blood libel against the Jewish community of Trent; below, an image of a Judensau (Jews' sow). This engraving is a copy of a wall painting on the bridge tower of Frankfurt am Main; the bridge was demolished in 1801. In German, the text reads : "Au weih Rabbi Anschl, au, au! Mausch, au weih, au, au! Sauff Mauschi, sauff die Milch! Friss du Rabbi den Dreck, es ist doch alle Zeit euer bestes Geschleck!" In English, the title reads : "In 1475 on Maundy Thursday, the child Simon, who was 2 years old, was murdered by the Jews." In English, the text reads : "Oy vey Rabbi Anschl, oy, oy! Mausch, oy vey, oy, oy! Drink Mauchi, drink the milk! Eat, Rabbi, this filth! That's your greatest delicacy!"
Black-and-white engraving depicting Abimelech restoring Sarah to Abraham, as described in Genesis 20:16. Engraving by Hieronymus Sperling. From Kupfer-Bibel, in welcher die Physica Sacra, oder geheiligte Natur-Wissenschafft derer in Heil. Schrifft vorkommenden Natürlichen Sachen by Johann Jakob Scheuchzer published Augsburg and Ulm: Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735.
Black-and-white engraving of the exterior of the Main Synagogue of Fürth, known as the Altschul, which was built in 1616-1617. Engraving by Gerson Löwensohn.
Black-and-white engraved portrait of Rabbi Jacob Judah Aryeh Leon Templo. Engraving by Conrad Buno. From De Templo Hierosolymitano, tàm priori, quod aedificavit Salomo rex, quàm posteriori, quod devastavit Vespasianus… by Jacob Judah Aryeh Leon Templo, published Helmstedt: Jacob Muller.
Black-and-white engraving of the interior of the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam, during the celebration of Purim. Engraving by William Forrest after an engraving by Bernard Picart. From The faiths of the world : an account of all religions and religious sects, their doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs by James Gardner. Published London & Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co.
Black-and-white engraving of the celebration of Purim at the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam in 1712. Engraving by William Forrest after an engraving by Bernard Picart. From The faiths of the world; an account of all religions and religious sects, their doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs, published Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co.
Map of the city of New York as it was in the years 1742-1744, including the first Mill Street Synagogue of Congregation Shearith Israel. Lithograph by George Hayward after an original drawing by David Grim. Published in D. T. Valentine's Manual of the corporation of the city of New York for 1854.
Black-and-white etching of a Jewish woman from Poland in 1766. Etching by Jean-Baptiste Le Prince. From A collection of the dresses of different nations, antient and modern, published London: Thomas Jefferys, 1757-1772.
Black-and-white etching of a Jewish man from Poland in 1768. Etching by Jean-Baptiste Le Prince. From A collection of the dresses of different nations, antient and modern, published London: Thomas Jefferys, 1757-1772.
Hand-colored etching of a Jewish man from Poland in 1768. Etching by Jean-Baptiste Le Prince. From A collection of the dresses of different nations, antient and modern, published London: Thomas Jefferys, 1757-1772.
Black-and-white engraved portrait of philosopher Moses Mendelssohn. Engraving by Johann Gotthard Müller after a painting by Johann Christoph Frisch. Dedicated to King Frederick William II of Prussia by the Jüdische Freischule Berlin.
Black-and-white engraving of the Tomb of Absalom in Jerusalem. After a drawying by Luigi Mayer. From A series of twenty-four views illustrative of the Holy Scriptures, published London: R. Bowyer & M. Parkes.
Black-and-white lithograph of Jewish traders and merchants in Odessa. Lithograph by Denis Auguste Marie Raffet, printed by Auguste Bry. From Voyage dans la Russie Méridionale & la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie : exécutée en 1837 by Anatoly Nikolaievich Demidov, published Paris: Gihaut Frères.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction with a portrait of actress Rachel Félix, known as Mademoiselle Rachel, as well as a compilation of scenes from her performances in Andromaque, Horace, and Adrienne Lecouvreur. The print accompanies an obituary published after her death on January 3, 1858. Published in the January 16, 1858, edition of L'Illustration, journal universel.
Hand-colored lithograph of the exterior of the Hauptsynagogue (Main Synagogue) in the Börnestrasse in Frankfurt am Main. Published Frankfurt am Main: Lith. Inst. v. Ph. Frey & Co.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of Talmudist David de Jahacob Lopez Cardozo giving a sermon in the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam on July 22, 1866. After an oil painting by Jacob-Emile-Edouard Brandon. Published in the August 3, 1867, edition of Le Monde illustré.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of a watercolor by Princesse Mathilde Bonaparte of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Published in the June 2, 1866, edition of L'Illustration, journal universel.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of a watercolor by Princesse Mathilde Bonaparte of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Published in the June 30, 1866, edition of L'Univers illustré.
Photographic reproduction of a painting by Hermann Junker depicting a Yom Kippur service held by Rabbi Isaak Blumenstein of Mannheim for Jewish soldiers during the Franco-Prussian War. Photographic reproduction by Hermann Emden. Published Frankfurt am Main: Verlag v. Heinrich Keller.
Photographic reproduction of a painting by Hermann Junker depicting a Yom Kippur service for Jewish soldiers during the Franco-Prussian War. Photographic reproduction by Hermann Emden. Published Frankfurt am Main: Verlag v. Heinrich Keller.
Black-and-white collotype print of the stockyard in Frankfurter Judengasse, the Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt am Main. Collotype by Nöhring & Frisch in Lübeck. After a drawing by Peter Becker. From Bilder aus dem alten Frankfurt by Peter Becker, published Frankfurt am Main: Verlag von A. C. Prestel.
Black-and-white collotype print of houses in the Frankfurter Judengasse, the Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt am Main. Collotype by Nöhring & Frisch in Lübeck. After a drawing by Peter Becker. From Bilder aus dem alten Frankfurt by Peter Becker, published Frankfurt am Main: Verlag von A. C. Prestel.
Program for the inauguration of the synagogue in Zabrze on April 2, 1873, including a lithograph of the exterior of the synagogue on the cover. Published Gleiwitz: Reinhard David.
Black-and-white etching of the Old Jewish Cemetery in Frankfurt am Main. Etching by Bertha Bagge. From Aus dem alten Frankfurt by Bertha Bagge, published Frankfurt am Main: Reitz & Köhler, 1891-1896.