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2. Partitenmachende-Närzin
- Description:
- Engraving and text from Darstellungen menschlicher Narrheiten (Representations of human follies). In German, the text reads : "Der Juden ihr Betrug und List. / Beӱ weiten nicht zulänglich ist, / Partiten so ich mit Manier. / Kan spielen hurtig dort und hier. / Ja, ja, die Mauschel lassen dir, / Das Præ du sehr verschmiktes Thier." In English the text reads : "The Jews' betrayals and tricks. / Far and wide it is inadequate, / To make false coins in such a manner. / I can play daily here and there. / Yes, yes, the Mauschel let you. / That's the priority you bejeweled animal." This engraving is part of a series satirizing the foolish schemes people believed during the economic crisis in the early 17th century.
3. [Mai - höre, Memmelchen!...]
- Description:
- Caricature. In German, the text reads : --"Mai - höre, Memmelchen! Hab' ich doch gemacht alle Papierche zu baarem Gold und wollt' es wegschicken, weil es nicht mehr sicher ist hier - aber sie lassens nicht mehr hinaus, und wenn sie uns hier todtschlagen kriegen se unser Geld ach noch - das bringt mich um." In English, the text reads : "Dear mother, isten to me! I had all of the paper money turned into bars of gold and wanted to send it away, because it isn't safe here anymore - but they are not letting any more out, and if they kill us here, they will get our money also - that kills me."
4. [Gott - Schmul - bist de aach gelade zum reichen Salomon…]
- Description:
- Caricature. In German, the text reads : --"Gott - Schmul - bist de aach gelade zum reichen Salomon - und hast nich emal e reines Hemd an?" --"Du ja auch nich - !" --"Weßt De was, zieh Du mein Hemd an - und ich Dains, so haben wir doch Baide die Wäsche gewechselt!" In English, the text reads : --"Oh, God - Schmul - you're also invited to rich Salomon's -- and don't even have a clean shirt on?" --"You don't either - !" --"You know what, you put my shirt on - and I'll put on yours, that way it'll look like we both just mixed up the laundry!"
5. Inspired exercise
- Description:
- Caricature by Louis M. Glackens published in Puck. The text reads : 1 --Mr. Isaacs: "Dere, now, I vill not vaste time mit dose things no more. Health or no health, time ish moneysh, and moneysh is vot I vos after." 2. --Mrs. Isaacs: "Oh, vot shall I do! Der doctor says as he vill die of der fatness if he don't take der dump-pell exercise." 3. --Mrs. Isaacs: "I haf it! I vill draw some plans und dake dem to dot iron foundries. He shall dake dot exercises." 4. --Mrs. Isaacs: " Come up in dot exercise room, Morris." --Mr. Isaacs: "I vill go, but no exercise for me on your life not." 5 --Mr. Isaacs: "Oh, Repecca! You vos one of dose ingeniuses. I could keep dis up all tay."
6. [Herrrr! Nehmen Sie die schlechten Lederstühl…]
- Description:
- Caricature published in the Düsseldorfer Monathefte. In German, the text reads : --"Herrrr! Nehmen Sie die schlechten Lederstühl, dies sind Kajütenstühl!" --"Was, dies seind kan Jüdestühl? Hob ich doch ezahlet so gut als an Christ!" In English, the text reads : --"Sir! Take the bad leather chair, these are cabin chairs!" --"What, these aren't Jews' chairs? I paid for it just as well as a Christian!"
7. [Sketch of a pogrom]
- Description:
- Black-and-white drawings depicting scenes of a pogrom against Jews.
8. Aktien - Reiterei
- Description:
- Black-and-white engraving entitled "horse shares." The scene below is observed above by three men holding the Ten Commandments. In German, the text reads : "Abraham: Sie sind maschuker, alles reit, Jetzt reit'n gar auch unsere Leut! Isaack: Der Jzig zieht die Knie ans Maul. Gebt Acht! Der fällt meih Seel von Gaul. Jakob: Der hat doch sonst'n guten Schlufs, Räb Jzig! -- was machst du für Stufs? Jzig: Herunter bringt'r mich doch nit. Er geht am End schon wieder Schritt. Heruntergeworfener. Das Pferd hat wie mein böles Weib, 5000 Teufel in den Leib! Streicher: Wir streichen euch Drei oder Vier, Dann wird es ruhig euer Thier. Madame Pfau: Das Zettelchen ist wirklich gut. Es langt zum Mantel und zum Hut. Magd: Mein braver Herr, der an mich denkt Hat mir die Aktie geschenkt. Schnipp: Komt! schnaufen wir ein wenig aus, Und reiten hin vor's Kaffehaus. Schnapp: Wird's mit der Eisenbahn gut gehn. Dann war's man wie die Gäule stehn. Schnur: Ich zieh den meinen in den Stall. Und deke mich für jeden Fall. Schnepeper: Der reit' Galopp der Trab der Schritt. Ich denk, ich bleib' so in der Mitt. Stallmeister Meseritzer: Macht was ihr wollt, dös wahls ich doch. Mer wherreitn euch alle noch." In English, the text reads : "Abraham: You are crazy, everything is ready. Even our people are now riding! Isaack: Jzig is pulling his knees into his mouth. Be cautious! He's missing the soul of Gaul . Jakob: He typically has a good ending anyways, Rabbi Jzig! -- what nonsense are you doing. Jzig: He'll not bring me down yet. He goes to the end and takes another step again. He is the thrown down one. That horse has 5000 devils in his body, just like my evil woman. Streicher: We are going to mark out three or four for you all, then it will become quiet for you animals. Madame Pfau: The little note is very good. It is enough for the coat to the hat. Magd: My well behaved Sir, who thinks of me, gave me the shares of stock as a gift. Schnipp: Come on! Let us take a breath for a bit, and let's ride ahead to the Coffee House. Schnapp: Will it go well with the train. Then it would stand like the nags. Schnur: I'm going to guide mine into the stables. And will cover them for any situation. Schnepeper: The rider gallops, the trot, the step. I think, I'm going to stay in the middle like this. Stallmeister Meseritzer: You all can do what you want, that's what I vote for. We will outride all of you eventually."
9. Donnerstag
- Description:
- Donnerstag (Thursday). In German, the text reads : "Der Tag an den mann wird gemahnt / Die Schulden zu bezahlen, / Kommt oft so schnell herbeigerant / Das mann erschrickt zumalen; / Wenn mann Just nicht bei Gelde ist, / Ach! da macht einem Jud und Christ. Wahrhaftig Donnerstäge." In English, the text reads : "The day on which one is reminded / To pay the debts, / It often sneaks up on one so quickly, / That one becomes the picture of shock. / When one doesn't have access to the money, / Oh! As does a Jew and a Christian."
10. [Nach Berlin]
- Description:
- Black-and-white lithograph depicting a Jewish man astride a sow riding in the direction in the direction of Berlin, while a man in a cart gives chase.