Engraving of a Jew holding a mezuzah, along with symbols of Hindu and pagan religions. From Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde, Volume 6, by Bernard Picart.
Print No. 1465 of the series Imagerie d'Épinal, printed and published by Pellerin & Cie. The print includes a depictions of a Jewish man and woman from Algeria.
Sheet of black-and-white engravings used as an advertisement for Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria by Abraham a Sancta Clara, published Nuremberg: Christoph Weigel, 1703. The center and right plates on the bottom row depict Jews from Frankfurt and Poland.
Black-and-white engraving of a Jewish man from Poland. Engraving by Christoph Weigel after Caspar Luyken. From Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria by Abraham a Sancta Clara, published Nuremberg: Christoph Weigel.
Black-and-white engraving of a Jewish man from Cairo. From Atlas historique, ou, Nouvelle introduction à l'histoire, à la chronologie & à la géographie ancienne & moderne,Volume 6, by Henri Abraham Chatelain, published Amsterdam: Chez François L'Honoré & Compagnie, 1705-1720.
Black-and-white engraving of a Jewish woman from Cairo. From Atlas historique, ou, Nouvelle introduction à l'histoire, à la chronologie & à la géographie ancienne & moderne,Volume 6, by Henri Abraham Chatelain, published Amsterdam: Chez François L'Honoré & Compagnie, 1705-1720.
Black-and-white engraving depicting a Jewish man holding a mezuzah. From Dictionnaire historique, critique, chronologique, geographique et litteral de la Bible, Volume 4, by Augustin Calmet, published Paris: Emery, Saugrain, & Pierre Martin.
Black-and-white engraving depicting a Jewish man holding a mezuzah. From An historical, critical, geographical, chronological, and etymological dictionary of the Holy Bible, Volume 2, by Augustin Calmet, published London: Printed for J. J. and P. Knapton, etc.
Black-and-white etching of a Jewish woman from Poland in 1766. Etching by Jean-Baptiste Le Prince. From A collection of the dresses of different nations, antient and modern, published London: Thomas Jefferys, 1757-1772.
Black-and-white etching of a Jewish man from Poland in 1768. Etching by Jean-Baptiste Le Prince. From A collection of the dresses of different nations, antient and modern, published London: Thomas Jefferys, 1757-1772.
Hand-colored etching of a Jewish man from Poland in 1768. Etching by Jean-Baptiste Le Prince. From A collection of the dresses of different nations, antient and modern, published London: Thomas Jefferys, 1757-1772.
Black-and-white etching of a Jewish woman from Poland. Etching by Jean-Baptiste Le Prince. From Habillements de diverses nations by Jean-Baptiste Le Prince.
Black-and-white etching of a Jewish man from Poland. Etching by Jean-Baptiste Le Prince. From Habillements de diverses nations by Jean-Baptiste Le Prince.
Black-and-white engraving of a Jewish man from Poland. Engraving by Teodor Viero. From Raccolta di ... stampe che rappresentano figure ed abiti die varie nazioni, secondo gli originali, e le descrizioni dei più celebri recenti viaggiatori, e degli scopritori di paesi nuovi, published Venice: Teodoro Viero, 1783-1791.
Hand-colored engraving of two Jewish men from Austria. Engraving by William Ellis. From The costume of the hereditary states of the House of Austria by Antoine François Bertrand de Molleville, translated by Robert Charles Dallas, published London: William Miller. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg).
Hand-colored engraving of two Jewish men from Austria. Engraving by William Ellis. From The costume of the hereditary states of the House of Austria by Antoine François Bertrand de Molleville, translated by Robert Charles Dallas, published London: William Miller. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg).
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish man from Austria. Engraving by William Ellis. From The costume of the hereditary states of the House of Austria by Antoine François Bertrand de Molleville, translated by Robert Charles Dallas, published London: William Miller. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg).
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish woman from Austria. Engraving by William Ellis. From The costume of the hereditary states of the House of Austria by Antoine François Bertrand de Molleville, translated by Robert Charles Dallas, published London: William Miller. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg).
Hand-colored engraving of two Jewish men from Poland. From Kleidertrachten der kaiserl. königl. Staaten / Habillemens des états de S.M. l'empereur roi by Vinzenz Georg Kininger, published Vienna: Tranquillo Mollo. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg).
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish man from Mungatsch (Mukacheve). From Kleidertrachten der kaiserl. königl. Staaten / Habillemens des états de S.M. l'empereur roi by Vinzenz Georg Kininger, published Vienna: Tranquillo Mollo. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg).
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish woman from Poland. From Kleidertrachten der kaiserl. königl. Staaten / Habillemens des états de S.M. l'empereur roi by Vinzenz Georg Kininger, published Vienna: Tranquillo Mollo. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg).
Hand-colored engraving of two Jewish men from Austria. From Picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the Austrians by William Alexander. Published London: Printed for J. Murray by W. Bulmer and co. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg). The associated plate description identifies these men as "A Polish Jew."
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish man from Austria. From Picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the Austrians by William Alexander. Published London: Printed for J. Murray by W. Bulmer and co. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg). The associated plate description identifies this man as a "Jew of Montgatz, in his summer dress."
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish man from Austria. From Picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the Austrians by William Alexander. Published London: Printed for J. Murray by W. Bulmer and co. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg). The associated plate description identifies this man as a "Jew of Montgatz, in his summer dress."
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish woman from Austria. From Picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the Austrians by William Alexander. Published London: Printed for J. Murray by W. Bulmer and co. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg). The associated plate description identifies this woman as "A Polish Jewess."
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish woman from Austria. From Picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the Austrians by William Alexander. Published London: Printed for J. Murray by W. Bulmer and co. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg). The associated plate description identifies this woman as "A Polish Jewess."
Hand-colored engraving of two Jewish women from Lithuania. Engraving by Henry Edward Dawe after a drawing by Robert Johnston. From Travels through Part of the Russian Empire and the Country of Poland, along the Southern Shores of the Baltic by Robert Johnston, published London: J.J. Stockdale.
Hand-colored engraving depicting a Jewish man holding a mezuzah. Engraving by Castelli. From Le Costume ancien et moderne, ou, Histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, de la religion, des arts, sciences et usages de tous les peuples anciens et modernes, Asia, Volume 3, by Giulio Ferrario, published Milan: De l'imprimerie de l'editeur, 1815-1829.
Hand-colored aquatint of a Jewish woman from Poland. Engraving by Philibert-Louis Debucourt after a drawing by Jean-Pierre Norblin de La Gourdaine. From Zbiór rozmaitych stroiów polskich / Costumes polonais.
Hand-colored aquatint of a Jewish man from Poland. Engraving by Philibert-Louis Debucourt after a drawing by Jean-Pierre Norblin de La Gourdaine. From Zbiór rozmaitych stroiów polskich / Costumes polonais.
Hand-colored aquatint of Jewish children from Poland. Engraving by Philibert-Louis Debucourt after a drawing by Jean-Pierre Norblin de La Gourdaine. From Zbiór rozmaitych stroiów polskich / Costumes polonais.
Hand-colored engraving of Jewish clothes merchants. Engraving after a drawing by Gustave de Galard. From Recueil des divers costumes des habitans de Bordeaux et des environs by Edmond Géraud, published Bordeaux: Lavigne jeune.
Hand-colored engraving of Jewish woman from Poland. From L'Autriche, ou Costumes, moeurs et usages des Autrichiens by Jean-Baptiste Benoît Eyriès. The publication depicts the dress of people throughout areas ruled by the House of Austria (House of Habsburg).
Hand-colored engraving depicting a Jewish man holding a mezuzah. Engraving by Bennardoni. From Il costume antico e moderno, o, storia del governo, della milizia, della religione, delle arti, scienze ed usanze di tutti i popoli antichi e moderni, Asia, Volume 5, by Giulio Ferrario, published Firenze: V. Batelli.
Hand-colored etching of Polish Jews arriving at the Leipzig Trade Fair. Etching by Georg Emanuel Opitz. Published Dresden: Kunstverlag von L. v. Kleist.
Hand-colored engraving depicting people from Poland, including a Jewish man. Engraving by Angelo Biasioli after Giuseppe Bramati. From Le Costume ancien et moderne, ou, Histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, de la religion, des arts, sciences et usages de tous les peuples anciens et modernes, Europe, Volume 6, by Giulio Ferrario, published Milan: De l'imprimerie de l'editeur, 1815-1829.
Hand-colored lithograph of a Jewish man from Russia. Lithograph by Godefroy Englemann after a drawing by Jean-Marie Chopin. From Costumes russes modernes.
Black-and-white lithograph of a Jewish women from Algiers. Lithograph printed Paris: E. Ardit. From Atlas de l’aperçu historique, statistique et topographique sur l’état d’Alger : a l’usage de l’ármée expéditionnaire d’Afrique, published Paris: Ch. Picquet.
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish man and woman from Poland. Engraving by Antonio Verico after a drawing by Francesco Pieraccini. From Storia della Polonia : fino agli ultimi tempi by Bernard Zaydler, published Firenze: V. Batelli.
Black-and-white engraving depicting people from Poland, including a Jewish man. Engraving by Giovanni Antonio Sasso. From Il costume antico e moderno, ovvero storia del governo, della milizia, della religione, delle arti, scienze ed usanze di tutti i popoli antichi e moderni, Europe, Volume 8, by Giulio Ferrario, published Torino: Alessandro Fontana, 1829-1833.
Hand-colored lithograph depicting a Jewish man and two Jewish women from Algiers. From Voyage dans la régence d'Alger; ou, Description du pays occupé par l'armée française en Afrique by Claude Antoine Rozet, published Paris: Arthus Bertrand.
Black-and-white engraving of Jews from Poland. From France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de terre et de mer de 1792 à 1833., Volume 3, by Abel Hugo.
Black-and-white lithograph of Jews from Algiers. Lithograph after a drawing by R. Jungmann. From Costumes, moeurs et usages des Algériens by R. Jungmann, published Strasbourg: J. Bernard.
Hand-colored lithograph of a merchant from Kaluga with his wife shown in both summer and winter clothes. From Vollständige Völkergallerie in getreuen Abbildungen aller Nationen by Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsche.
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish man and woman from Algiers. From Histoires de la Chine, du Japon, de la Perse, de l'Inde, de l'Arabie, de la Turquie, de l'Égypte, de l'Algérie, etc. depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'en 1840 by de Saurigny, published Paris: Duménil.
Black-and-white engraving of a Jewish man and woman from Algiers. From Histoires de la Chine, du Japon, de la Perse, de l'Inde, de l'Arabie, de la Turquie, de l'Égypte, de l'Algérie, etc. depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'en 1840 by de Saurigny, published Paris: Duménil.
Color lithograph of three peasants from Podlasie, of Rusyn origin, seated at a table. Three Polish Jews can be seen in the background. Lithograph by Frédéric-Emile Simon after Jan Nepomucen Lewicki. From Les costumes du peuple polonais : suivis d'une description exacte de ses moeurs, de ses usages et de ses habitudes by Leon Józef Zienkowicz.
Black-and-white steel engraving depicting a bazaar in Cairo, including a Jewish money changer. From The Nile boat : or, Glimpses of the land of Egypt by William Henry Bartlett.
Black-and-white wood engraving of a Jewish man from Algiers. Wood engraving by Joseph Bara after Adrien Dauzats. Published in Les Français peints par eux-mêmes, Volume 3.
Hand-colored wood engraving of a Jewish man from Algiers. Wood engraving by Joseph Bara after Adrien Dauzats. Published in Les Français peints par eux-mêmes, Volume 3.
Black-and-white wood engraving of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Wood engraving by Pierre Verdeil after Hippolyte Louis Emile Pauquet. Published in Les Français peints par eux-mêmes, Volume 3.
Hand-colored wood engraving of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Wood engraving by Pierre Verdeil after Hippolyte Louis Emile Pauquet. Published in Les Français peints par eux-mêmes, Volume 3.
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Engraving after Théophile Emmanuel Duverger. From Moeurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d'après des documents authentiques et les voyages les plus récents by Auguste Wahlen, published Bruxelles: Librairie historique-artistique.
Black-and-white lithograph of a Jewish man from Russia at prayer. Lithograph printed by Imprimerie Lemercier after a drawing by Vasily Fiodorovitch (Georg Wilhelm) Timm. From Costumes russes, published by Daziaro, Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Hand-colored wood engraving of a married Jewish woman from Algeria. Wood engraving by Léopold Deghouy after Théodore Frère. From L'Afrique française by Christian Pitois, published Paris: A. Barbier.
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Engraving after Théophile Emmanuel Duverger. From Usi e costumi sociali, politici e religiosi di tutti i popoli del mondo by Nicolas Dally, published Torino: Stabilimento tipografico Fontana.
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish man and woman from Algiers. Engraving by E. Vermocken. From Les moeurs et costumes de tous les peuples, d'après les documents les plus authentiques, les voyages les plus récents et des matériaux inédits by Casimir Henricy, published Paris: Librairie ethnographique.
Color lithograph of Jewish children from Algeria. Illustration by Louis Lassalle. Lithograph printed Paris: J. Rigo et Cie. From L'Algérie de la jeunesse by Christian Pitois, published Paris : Alph. Desesserts.
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Engraving after Théophile Emmanuel Duverger. From Die Völker des Erdballs nach ihrer Abstammung und Verwandtschaft und ihren Eigenthümlichkeiten in Regierungsform, Religion, Sitte und Tracht by Heinrich Karl Wilhelm Berghaus, published Brüssel und Leipzig: Carl Muquardt.
Black-and-white lithograph of Jewish traders and merchants in Odessa. Lithograph by Denis Auguste Marie Raffet, printed by Auguste Bry. From Voyage dans la Russie Méridionale & la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie : exécutée en 1837 by Anatoly Nikolaievich Demidov, published Paris: Gihaut Frères.
Black-and-white lithograph of Crimean Karaites in Feodosia (Caffa). Lithograph by Denis Auguste Marie Raffet, printed by Auguste Bry. From Voyage dans la Russie Méridionale & la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie : exécutée en 1837 by Anatoly Nikolaievich Demidov, published Paris: Gihaut Frères.
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Engraving by Varin after François-Claudius Compte-Calix. From Musée cosmopolite, published Paris: Ancienne Mon Aubert.
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish merchant from Algeria. Engraving by Monnin after Francois Claudius Compte-Calix. From Musée cosmopolite, published Paris: Ancienne Mon Aubert.
Hand-colored engraving depicting a Jewish woman and a Jewish merchant from Algiers. Engraving by Andreas Geiger. From the series Costume Bild zur Theaterzeitung. Published Vienna: Burea der allgem. Theaterz.
Hand-colored engraving of a married Jewish woman from Algiers. Engraving by Adolphe Portier. From Musée cosmopolite, published Paris: Ancienne Mon Aubert.
Hand-colored engraving of a married Jewish woman from Algeria. Engraving by Adolphe Portier after François-Claudius Compte-Calix. From Musée cosmopolite, published Paris: Ancienne Mon Aubert.
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish woman from Algeria. Engraving by Laurent François Guerdet after C. Camino. From Musée cosmopolite, published Paris: Ancienne Mon Aubert.
Black-and-white engraving of Jews from Poland. From The pictorial family encyclopedia of history, biography and travels : comprising prominent events in the history of the world, biographies of eminent men and interesting accounts of distinguished travelers by John Frost, published Auburn and Buffalo : Miller, Orton & Mulligan.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of a Jewish man from Poland at prayer. From An illustrated description of the Russian empire by Robert Sears.
Color lithograph of Polish Jews in Jaffa, returning from their pilgrimage to Jerusalem. After lithographs by Louis Haghe from drawings by David Roberts. From The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt & Nubia, published London: Day & Son.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of Jews in Odessa. The associated article reads : "Odessa can only boast of one public walk, and this is situated in the best part of the town and near the harbor. Every Saturday this walk is crowded by the Israelitisch inhabitants, who constitute a large proportion of the entire population, and who with their families, pass the greater portion of the day under the cool shade of the chestnut and lime trees, with which the walk is freely planted." Published in the April 19, 1856, edition of the Illustrated Times.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of a Jewish man and woman from Algeria. From an illustration by Ange-Louis Janet. Published in the March 27, 1858, edition of L'Illustration, journal universel.
Color lithograph depicting people of Algeria, including a Jewish man. Lithograph by Jean-Adolphe Bocquin after Felix Fossey. From Le monde en estampes : types et costumes des principaux peuples de l'univers by Élizabeth Müller, published Paris: Amédée Bédelet.
Hand-colored engraving depicting peoples of Africa, including a Jewish girl from Algiers and a Jewish woman from Morocco. Engraving by Pierre after a drawing by Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux. Printed Paris: Laurent imp. Published Paris: Dufour, Mulat et Boulanger.
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