Color lithograph including depictions of Jewish women from Algiers. Lithograph by Daniel Urrabieta Vierge. Printed Paris: Imp. Firmin Didot et Cie. From Le costume historique, Volume 3, by Auguste Racinet, published Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie.
Color lithograph including depictions of Jewish men, women, and children from Algiers. Lithograph by Friedrich Hottenroth. Printed Stuttgart: M. Seeger. From Trachten, Haus-, Feld- und Kriegsgeräthschaften der Völker alter und neuer Zeit, Volume 1, by Friedrich Hottenroth, published Stuttgart: Gustav Weise.
Color lithograph of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Lithograph printed Paris: Testu & Massin. From Géographie générale, physique, politique et économique by Louis Grégoire, published Paris: Garnier frères.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of a watercolor by Princesse Mathilde Bonaparte of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Published in the June 2, 1866, edition of L'Illustration, journal universel.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of a watercolor by Princesse Mathilde Bonaparte of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Published in the June 30, 1866, edition of L'Univers illustré.
Hand-colored engraving depicting peoples of Africa, including a Jewish girl from Algiers and a Jewish woman from Morocco. Engraving by Pierre after a drawing by Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux. Printed Paris: Laurent imp. Published Paris: Dufour, Mulat et Boulanger.
Hand-colored engraving of a Jewish woman from Algiers. Engraving by Varin after François-Claudius Compte-Calix. From Musée cosmopolite, published Paris: Ancienne Mon Aubert.
Hand-colored engraving depicting a Jewish woman and a Jewish merchant from Algiers. Engraving by Andreas Geiger. From the series Costume Bild zur Theaterzeitung. Published Vienna: Burea der allgem. Theaterz.
Hand-colored engraving of a married Jewish woman from Algiers. Engraving by Adolphe Portier. From Musée cosmopolite, published Paris: Ancienne Mon Aubert.
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