Postcard with a black-and-white photograph of the crematorium furnaces at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, on the site of Auschwitz concentration camp.
Postcard with a black-and-white reproduction of the first panel of a tapestry at L'église Saint-Jean-Saint-François depicting the miracle of the Rue de Billetts, in which a Jew living in Paris was accused of stabbing a communion wafer, causing blood to flow from it.
Black-and-white photographic postcard of the exterior of the Bornplatzsynagoge (Bornplatz Synagogue) in Hamburg, which was consecrated in September 13, 1906.
Postcard with reproductions of drawings by Richard Enders of the home of the Rothschild banking family in the Judengasse, the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt am Main.
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William A. Rosenthall Judaica Collection - Postcards✖[remove]3,831