Letter and attached report written by ? of Planning And Management Assistance Project addressed to J. Herman Blake of Penn Community Services. The report provides an overview of Penn Community Services as of April 1978 with regard to the overall function of the organization, its financial situation, and recommendations moving forward. Attachements include statistics on foundation support, current fund monthly expenditures, and a directory to the Penn Board of Directors, 1979-81.
Letter from Howard A. Glickstein, Director, Task Force on Civil Rights Reorganization, to unknown recipient outlining the activites of President Jimmy Carter's Taskforce on Civil Rights Reorganization, namely their review of areas covered by Federal anti-discrimination laws (i.e. Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972). Enlcosed document aims to improve administration and enforcement of Civil Rights laws to ensure nondiscrimination.
Memorandum from Courtney Siceloff, Equal Opportunity Specialist for the Southern Regional Office of U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to South Carolina SAC Members with attached draft of the report entitled, "The Provision of Municipal Services in Mullins, South Carolina."
Typescript speech by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, National President for Operation PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) delivered to the Republican National Committee, discussing "political enfranchisement," "political power," "political program," and "beyond partisan politics."
Family Service Association of America document entitled, "Statement on Welfare Reform" submitted to Welform Reform Subcommittee of Committee on Agriculture, Committee on Education and Labor, Committee on Ways and Means, and U.S. House of Representatives.
Handwritten correspondence from Alvis V. Adair, President of DARS Research and Evaluation Systems Design, Inc., to Septima P. Clark offering his assistance in helping youths. Enclosed Alvis V. Adair resume.
National Clients Council Bylaws including articles regarding Purpose, Offices and Agents, Membership and Affiliated Groups, Board of Directors, Advisory Council, Meetings of the Board, Committees, Officers, Miscellaneous, and Amendments.
Hampton Institute publication entitled, "The Hampton Bulletin" Winter 1977, wherein various news items regarding Hampton Institute and National Hampton Alumni Association issues are discussed. Addressed to Septima P. Clark.
League of Women Voters of Charleston County's local government act document entitled, "Home Rule In South Carolina," drafted by Richard L. Black. The document explains the legislation package popularly known as the "Home Rule Act" which indends to grant political subdivisions decision-making power in local affairs.
The Association of American Colleges' subscriber package including letter from Director Bernice Sandler, article entitled, "Trends in Female Degree Recipients," and publication entitled, "On Campus With Women," Number 14 containing Title IX bulletin, affirmative action and employment, coeducating and admissions, education of women, and minority women.
Letter from J. Stanley Alexander, Research Director for the Voter Education Project to Septima P. Clark regarding the development of a Citzenship Education Workshop. Enclosed is a photocopy of release statement to Congress from the Office of the White House Press Secretary regarding President Carter's recommendations dealing with election reform and other supporting documentation.
Photocopy of instructions manual regarding the Organization of the United States Commission on Civil Rights wherein the purpose, organizational designations, commissioners, office of the staff director, office of federal Civil Rights evaluation, office of general council, office of management, office of national civil rights issues, office of program and policy review, office of research, regional offices, office of age discrimination program, office organization, and organization chart are discussed.
Photocopy of study entitled, "Comparatie Analysis of Municipal Water and Wastewater Services Provided Black Residential Areas and White Residential Areas of Mullins, South Carolina."
Photocopy of pages from notes on Study of Racial Discriminatory Allocation of Municipal Facilities and Services in South Carolina. Statistics on Abbeville, Bennettsville, Camden, Cheraw, Conway, Dillon, Lake City, Marion, Mullins, York, and Barnwell.
Memorandum from Katie Harris, Writer, Researcher to Courtney Siceloff, Equal Opportunity Specialist, Southern Regional Office to the United States Commission on Civil Rights to South Carolina Advisory Committee regarding November 18-20, 1976 Dillon, S.C. Field Trip. Research materials and notes attached.
Hampton Institute publication entitled, "The Hampton Bulletin" Summer 1976, wherein various news items regarding Hampton Institute and National Hampton Alumni Association issues are discussed. Addressed to Septima P. Clark.
Memorandum from Courtney Siceloff, Equal Opportunity Specialist for the Southern Regional Office of U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to South Carolina SAC Members with attached draft of the report entitled, "A Case Study of School Desegregation: Williamsburg School District, South Carolina."
The Association of American Colleges' subscriber package including letter from Director Bernice Sandler and publication entitled, "On Campus With Women," Number 14 containing Title IX bulletin, affirmative action and employment, coeducating and admissions, education of women, and minority women.
Correspondence from Ann M. Hellman, President of the Charleston Section of the National Council of Jewish Women, to Septima P. Clark regarding Justice for Juveniles. Enclosed articles and Youth Needs Survey prepared by Behavioral Research and Evaluation Corporation.
Memorandum from Courtney Siceloff, Equal Opportunity Specialist, Southern Regional Office to the United States Commission on Civil Rights to South Carolina Advisory Committee regarding upcoming meeting on August 25, 1976 with enclosed draft proposal for study of racial discrimination.
Benedict College publication entitled, "The Benedict Bulletin" Vol. 58, No. 1, wherein various news items regarding Benedict College and African-American issues are discussed. Addressed to Septima P. Clark.
Benedict College publication entitled, "The Benedict Bulletin" Vol. 59, No. 1, wherein various news items regarding Benedict College and African-American issues are discussed. Addressed to Septima P. Clark.
Schedule of events for Third Annual Conference of The National Caucus on the Black Aged, Inc. entitled, "Aging Black Women and Federal Policies: 1960-2000 A.D." in Washington D.C.
Correspondence from Nedra H. Williams of the African Heritage Studies Association (AHSA) Conference Planning Committee to Septima P. Clark regarding "final plans for the opening activity of the AHSA Conference." Enclosed AHSA materials.
Paper entitled, "Middle Aged and Aging Black Women: Preliminary Selected Findings of a Survey Research in an Urban Setting" presented at the National Caucus on Black Aging in Washington D.C. on April 14, 1975.
Photocopy of memorandum from Lawrence B. Glick, Acting General Councel, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to I. T. Creswell, Assistant Staff Director, OFO, U.S. Commission on Civil rights regarding the Federal Advisory Committee ACT (FACA) and State Advisory Committee (SAC) Meetings.
The Association of American Colleges' publication entitled, "On Campus With Women," Number 12 containing information on Title IX, affirmative action and employment, coeducating and admissions, education of women, minority women, and sports.
Typescript of a script to a theatrical work written by Eugene C. Hunt entitled, "A Journey In Faith and Courage. The Story of the Coming Street Y.W.C.A." The story takes place in Charleston, South Carolina around 1910.
The Association of American Colleges' subscriber package including letter from Director Bernice Sandler and publication entitled, "On Campus With Women," Number 10 containing information on affirmative action and employment, education of women, sports, minority women, military and ROTC, and women's studies resources.
"Binding Ties" Vol. 2 No. 2, May 1974 publication by the Black Women's Community Development Foundation "special issue on the physical and mental problems of black women."
Proposed committee meeting minutes for the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Penn Community Services, Inc. held on September 20st and 21nd, 1974.
"Binding Ties" Vol. 2 No. 1, January 1974 publication by the Black Women's Community Development Foundation discussing the Juvenile Justice Project, news from throughout the United States, and organizational information.
League of Women Voters of Charleston County, Volume XXVI, Bulletin No. 6 including a calendar of events, voting-related issues, the League of Women Voters of Charleston County Budget Committee financial statement and various reports and program updates. Addressed to Septima P. Clark.
South Carolina Federation of Women's and Girls' Clubs' Sixty-Fifth Annual Meeting publication. Publication contains program of events, photographs of club members in various locations around South Carolina, information on members and subgroups, and advertisements.
Typescript document entitled, "College Seven, Counseling Program, Fall 1973" wherein Student Concerns, Individual Counseling, Consultations, Academic and Administrative Counseling, Group Counseling, Peer Counseling, Related Activities, and other issues are discussed.
Typescript document entitled, "College Seven Report, Recruitment Program 1972" wherein Summer Recruitment, Fall Quarter Recruitment, Community Recruitment, Student Involvement, and other issues are discussed.
The Black Women's Community Development Foundation's 1973 Annual Report. Contents include Social Development: Criminal Justice, International Development, Educational and Personal Development, Communications, Fundraising Efforts, Operation Shoestring'Poverty But Progress, the BWCDF Board of Directors, and Staff information.
Typescript of the Penn Community Service, Inc. 1973 Annual Reports for Black Land Services, Business Development, Child Development, and Cultural Program.
"Binding Ties" Vol. 1 No. 1, January 1973 publication by the Black Women's Community Development Foundation discussing the Juvenile Justice Project, Black Women in the News, Community Development, and organizational information. Addressed to Septima P. Clark.
Limit your search
Septima P. Clark Papers, ca. 1910-ca. 1990✖[remove]117
Avery Research Center at the College of Charleston✖[remove]117