Memorandum from Floyd Gipson reporting on activities from the Regional Meeting of A. Philip Randolph Institute including plans for an upcoming convention.
Letter from Isaiah Bennett to Norman Hill, President of A. Philip Randolph Institute, detailing South Carolina chapter political activities, including the primary victory of Charles Ravenel.
Press release regarding negotiation activities during the Hospital Worker's Strike and the union's support of the walk-out by union employees of the State Ports Authority.
Memorandum regarding APRI financial crisis from an Ad Hoc Committee meeting on December 18, 1976 of APRI members from Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina.
Letter to regional union administrators from Harold J. Lane, Secretary-Treasurer of Food, Tobacco, Agriculture and Allied Workers Union of America, CIO, reporting strike progress and calling local unions to action.
Telegram from the Executive Board of the Local 1199B to Mrs. Whiting and John E. Wise of the Medical College protesting the trial and potential disciplinary actions against workers Mrs. E. Freeman and Mrs. J. Simmons.
Form letter from Isaiah Bennett in regards to soliciting advertisements for the A. Philip Randolph Institute Annual Conference. Details Institute mission and ad rates.
Memorandum from Isaiah Bennett to Norman Hill announcing his temporary resignation as South Carolina president due to his candidacy for a County Council seat.
News release announcing workers traveling to Columbia, S.C. to meet with legislative delegation of Charleston County requesting their help in scheduling a meeting with Dr. William McCord.
Telegram from Charleston County Council to Isaiah Bennett announcing meeting with County Manager, the Director of the County Hospital and limiting to employees only in regards to alleged grievances.
Telegram to Senator Robert Scarborough from Isaiah Bennett thanking Scarborough for listening to Hospital Workers, but requesting a public hearing to discuss poverty and discrimination.
Telegram to Robert McNair, Finway Young, and J. Palmer Gaillard from Isaiah Bennett informing them of the dismissal of twelve workers and asking for their intervention.
Letter from William E. Pollard to Isaiah Bennett informing of travel plans to Charleston for the South Carolina A. Philip Randolph Institute Convention.
Report detailing union activities planning for meeting with Dr. William McCord, Director of the Medical College of South Carolina. Report also describes meeting with local religious leaders and state politicians.
Minutes of the South Carolina A. Phillip Randolph Institute reporting Isaiah Bennet's temporary resignation due to running for Charleston County Council seat.
Telegram to Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm from Mary Moultrie requesting Chisholm to provide assistance and aid in bringing national attention to the workers' problems.
Telegram to John E. Wise, Vice-President of the Medical College, from Louise Burney and the Executive Committee of the Local 1199-B advising fired workers be reinstated.
Letter from Lamond Godwin to Senator Ernest F. Hollings stating that a proposal by Isaiah Bennett to rehabilitate rural housing is under consideration.