Periodical entitled, "Afrika Must Unite," Vol. 1, No. 4 from March/April 1972 including articles on Garveyism, Pan-Afrikans, musical traditions in Ghana, and other issues in Africa and the United States.
Periodical entitled, "Ray O. Light Newsletter," Volume 1, Number 4, presenting an article entitled, "'Left' Opportunism and the Rise of Reaction: U.S. Hostages in Iran and The Greensboro, North Carolina Massacre."
Periodical entitled, "Ray O. Light Newsletter," Volume 1, Number 2, presenting an article entitled, "Once Again'In Support of the Struggle of the Party of Labor of Albania Against Revisionism."
Periodical entitled, "Ray O. Light Newsletter," Volume 1, Number 2, presenting an article entitled, "The U.S.'China Alliance and the Question of the Main Enemy."
Periodical entitled, "Black News," Volume 3, Number 1, the "Pan-Afrikan Issue," discussing a variety of topics regarding African and African-American life.
Malcolm X Liberation University minutes of the Council of Elders meeting from May 1, 1970 containing information delivered by Howard Fuller, Bertie Howard, Faye Edwards, Nikiwa Ningekewa, Winston Kennedy, Robert Rone, Dennis McDowell, and Jim Lee.
Photocopy of All African People's Revolutionary Party memorandum from "3rd Program Committee Seminar" to All State Program Committee and All Party Cadre regarding guidelines for all state program committees during the next year (January, 1977 to December 31, 1977).
All African People's Revolutionary Party memorandum regarding a report on the "4th Program Committee Seminar" which established the "Programmatic Objectives and Guidelines for A-APRP Activities During 1978."
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee periodical entitled, "Key List Mailing: Selected Documents of Current and Lasting Interest in the Civil Rights Movement," a service of the San Francisco Regional Office of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee periodical entitled, "Key List Mailing: Selected Documents of Current and Lasting Interest in the Civil Rights Movement," a service of the San Francisco Regional Office of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee periodical entitled, "Key List Mailing: Selected Documents of Current and Lasting Interest in the Civil Rights Movement," a service of the San Francisco Regional Office of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
Malcolm X Liberation University document entitled, "Background Information on the Malcolm X Liberation University," providing information on the philosophy of the University, general description of courses, faculty, students, rules and regulations, facts on operation of the University, and the historical background of the University: "The Black Student at Duke University."
Photocopied Malcolm X Liberation University document outlining the political committee and cell structure, idealogical development, notes on the evaluation of students enrolled in technical areas, internal organization and organizing, and some adjustment problems of the University.
Document entitled, "Proposal for Malcolm X Liberation University" detailing the purpose of the University, claiming that "it has become evident that the existing systems of education do not respond to the needs of the Black Community."
Malcolm X Liberation University Bulletin for the year 1970-71, including information on the University background, objectives, Council of Elders, staff, role of MXLU graduates, the student body, admission requirements, room and board, calendar, and curriculum.
Photocopy for McKissick Community School's Panther's Den Youth Organization document entitled, "Proposal for McKissick Community School," discussing the school's background, names, ideology, accreditation, student body and selection, tuition, curriculum, resources, future operation, explanation of budget, and budget.
Document entitled, "Proposal for Malcolm X Liberation University" detailing the goals and objectives, present structure, student body selection and composition, curriculum plan, supplementary curriculum information and revised calendar, resource people, community involvement, costs, location and academic facilities, evaluation process, and six-month budget for the University.
Organization for Black Unity newsletter from March 24, 1970, providing articles on H. Rap Brown, "political assassination" of Ralph Featherstone and William Che Payne, and other Student Organization for Black Unity and the Pan-African Students Organization.
Document entitled, "Mashariki (EAST) Structure," including writings entitled, "East Protocol," "Waziri Elimu - Education Ministry," "Mtoto Care Center," "The Evening School," "The East Bookstore," "Waziri Jamii," "Uchumi (Economics) Projection," "Past Observations and Projections for the East," "Waziri Uchumi, East Cultural Center," "Waziri Usalamu," "Program for 'Super Simbas,'" "Mashariki Waziri Habari One-Year Plan, " "JAMAA - Social Organization," The Moral Progression of a People can Scarcely Begin Until They Are Independent," and "Waziri Siasa."
Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization pamphlet entitled, "A Report of IFCO Concerns 1974," wherein a report of the year's activities are discussed.
All African People's Revolutionary Party memorandum from "The Boston Collective" to Cleveland Sellers regarding a report request, including seven attached documents.
Photocopy of All African People's Revolutionary Party memorandum from Roosevelt Williams to Cleveland Sellers from July 29, 1976, including a variety of enclosed items regarding AAPRP activities.
Document entitled, "Center for African and African-American Studies Bibliography No. 2," prepared as a class project for Professor Casper Jordan at the Atlanta University School of Library Science.
Periodical entitled, "Black News," Volume 2, Number 25, predominantly discussing incarceration and the prison system with regard to African and African-American life.
Photocopy of "The [Ankh] Paper," Volume I, Number 2, providing articles on a variety of issues regarding the injustices inflicted upon African Americans.
Periodical entitled, "Ray O. Light Newsletter," Number 23, presenting an article entitled, "On the 20th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington (Part I)."
Agenda Item 24 for the twenty-second session of the United Nations General Assembly, providing a "statement made by Mr. James Forman, International Affairs Director, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), at the 1721st meeting of the Fourth Committee on 17 November 1967."
Search Warrant in the Name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania City and County of Philadelphia, Control No. 37066, issued to the District Attorney's office, requested by Irving R. Dean, Special Agent for the F.B.I, for George Brower for "any and all dynamite, blasting caps, percussion caps or any other explosive material" and statement by Barry Dawson.
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