A Report of the Academic Achievement in an Eight Week Summer Head Start Program entitled, "Head Start: Summer 1966: Portage, Wisconsin." Prepared for the Project Staff and Directors by Robert E. Clasen and Jo Ellen Spear.
Document entitled, "Report on Southwide Voter Education Workshop," written by Bernice V. Robinson, summarizing and discussing the various topics presented at the the 1966 workshop.
University of Wisconsin, University Extension, and Office of Economic Opportunity's Community Action Technicians Training Program yearbook for the Class of 1967.
Publication entitled, "Publications, Motion Pictures, and Visual Aids for the Consumer Finance Industry, 1968-1969," written by the National Consumer Finance Association.
The Office of Economic Opportunity publication entitled, "Vista Volunteer Handbook," providing information on all aspects of the anti-poverty program called Vista.
Publication entitled, "Child Care Services in the Social Security Amendments of 1971: General Provisions, and Priorities, Goals and Purposes of Child Care."