A consent form signed by Rodney Davis authorizing "the Charleston Branch of the NAACP to investigate [his] complaint and render [him] whatever assistance it deems necessary and appropriate to resolve [his] issue."
Correspondence from Sharon A. Brennan, Development Coordinator for the Charleston Citywide Local Development Corporation, to Dwight C. James, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, with enclosed copy of charter, list of current officers and board members, list of loans made since inception, list of Microloan activity, and a copy of program summary for the LDC.
Correspondence from Andre V. Woods to Mayor Joseph P. Riley regarding a letter and loan application submitted to the Micro Loan program. Enclosed Micro Loan materials.
Charleston Branch of the NAACP memorandum from Dwight C. James, President, to Executive Board Members and Standing Committee Appointees regarding Annual Planning and Training Retreat.
Letter from Dwight James, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP to Brad Thomlinson of Coca Cola, regarding Thomlinson's "company's participation in [the Charleston Branch of the NAACP's] upcoming golf tournament."
City of Charleston's Office of Cultural Affairs invitation to MOJA Arts Festival supporters regarding a Tribute Luncheon honoring The Honorable Marjorie Amos-Frazier, Eugene C. Hunt, Ruby Cornwell, The Honorable Hilda Hutchinson Jefferson, Dr. Gwendolyn Todd-Jones, Dorothy Brunson Wright, and Saint Julian Devine.
Correspondence from Thomas D. Heneghan, Vice President of Human Resources for Support Systems International, Inc., to Dwight C. James, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, regarding the 1993 Freedom Fund Drive.